Impact Stories
Estefania Muller Pallares

Hi, my name is Estefania and I’m a Pathfinder KiwiSaver member.

Why KiwiSaver?

I started working when I was 14 and got chucked into a KiwiSaver default provider.

I was very intentional with my general banking, but it was years before I realised that this default KiwiSaver didn’t align with my values. I used the Check & Compare Funds tool on Mindful Money & switched to Pathfinder.

Why Ethical?

One of my big goals is to buy a house in the next few years. So it really matters to me where my money goes in terms of returns, but I’m not happy with my money being invested in things I don’t believe in that are hurting the world.

Why Pathfinder?

What stood out to me about Pathfinder was how they don’t invest in fossil fuel extraction or mining. A big topic for me is animal welfare so very limited animal testing and no firearms were a big tick from my point of view. Exploring the different KiwiSaver options on the Mindful Money site, Pathfinder was the only KiwiSaver provider that ticked all the boxes I value as a person and as an investor.

Invest like Estefania